Sidewalk Packages 1 and 2

Client: Harris County
Location: Houston, TX

Aurora served as the design consultant for Harris County Sidewalk Design in Precinct 3 of Harris County. Projects were to improve the roadway section (mostly major thoroughfare streets) with connectivity and pedestrian safety via ADA-compliant sidewalks and curb ramps associated with the schools and neighborhoods. Aurora provided professional engineering services to meet the fast-track (5-month) project schedule. The design was completed on schedule by December 2020. Construction was done in phases due to various easement and construction access requirements and completed with RAS/TDLR acceptance of no objection.

Scope of Services included:
Package 1 – Design approximately 7,500 LF (Segments B near Birkes Elementary and Aragon Middle Schools) and 13,150 LF (Segments H near Holmsley Elementary and Langham Creek High Schools) five-foot sidewalks and related pedestrian elements.

Package 2 – Design approximately 16,170 LF (Segments M near Morton Range Elementary, Junior High, and High Schools) five-foot sidewalks and related pedestrian elements.

Rights-of-Way (ROW) reviews and identification of priority list of necessary sidewalk easements and temporary construction easements (right-of-entry) associated with alignment, and meeting driveway standards/modification.

Assessment of connectivity, intersections/curb ramps, signals, crosswalks, striping, tree protection, driveway slopes, off-site drainage, curb inlet, utility adjustment, and unobstructed visibility easement (UVE) standards.

Utility Conflict Table and coordination (private and public) for necessary conflict coordination, adjustment, and resolutions.

Design coordination with HC engineering and Precinct 3 management staff, Municipal Utility Districts (MUD), Homeowner Associations (HOA), schools, pipeline crossings, and other property owners or stakeholders.

Fast track design to support intended construction schedule.

Final design plans, details, cost estimates, and phased constructions for authorization of on-call construction.

Construction phase services and RAS inspections.


San Antonio

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Aurora Technical Services

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