Project 23 Route Study and Design

Client: North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA)
Location: Houston, TX

Project 23 is part of the NHCRWA’s ongoing efforts to reduce groundwater usage in the greater northwest Houston area to comply with a mandate issued by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District (HGCSD). It represents Phase II of the NHCRWA’s 2025 Water Distribution and Transmission System. The project intends to extend the surface water supply further North of Harris County along the Hardy Toll Road corridor.

Correspondingly, Project 23 consists of approximately 5 miles of 66” water transmission line and a proposed future pump station. It begins with a connection to a new City of Houston 66” water line north of Greens Road at West Hardy and a meter station that is currently under construction. Project 23 terminates at the proposed pump station site south of Westfield Road at East Hardy Road. It plans to supply treated surface water to eight MUDs and related water plants for both the City of Houston and NHCRWA.

Aurora was tasked with providing a Route Study Evaluation and Alternative Alignment Analysis. Alignment alternatives were conducted along several general corridors including dedicated WL easements adjacent to Harris County (HC) ROW and private properties, Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) ROW and easements, CenterPoint Energy (CPN) corridors and easements, and Harris County (HC) road ROW. The route evaluation involved a two-tier approach involving an initial high-level (Tier 1) assessment of all feasible water transmission alignment alternatives and a more detailed (Tier 2) assessment of the more favorable “preferred” alignments. The recommended alignment generally placed water transmission lines along easements along HC ROW, HC road ROW, commercial and residential property, CNP Corridors, HCFCD ROW, and along dedicated easements. The total estimated project cost is $62 M including easements.


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