FEMA Disaster Mitigation for Wastewater Facilities

Client: City of Houston
Location: Houston, TX

This project involved evaluations for diverting wastewater flows for consolidating and abandoning wastewater treatment plants. It was part of the Hurricane Harvey disaster recovery and mitigation program. Generally, the work focused on mitigation through the elimination of facilities located in flood-prone areas.

Aurora was the lead design engineer for consolidation and mitigation efforts in the City’s North Belt and Cedar Bayou wastewater services areas. North Belt Service Area improvements consisted of a new lift station. Additionally, a force main for diverting flows from the WCID #76 WWTP to the North Belt WWTP pumped flows northward. This arrangement allowed the city to abandon the WCID #76 WWTP which was located within the 100-Year Flood Elevation approximately 5 feet from Greens Bayou. Gravity sewers were designed to divert the WCID #76 WWTP flows, approximately 2.8 MGD, to a new lift station. Moreover, this lift station was located approximately 2,800 feet south of the WCID #76 WWTP and outside of the 100-year flood elevation. Flows pumped consequently northward to the North Belt WWTP through approximately 10,000 LF of 12-inch force main.

Consequently, Cedar Bayou Service Area improvements consisted of three lift station replacements and raising control panels and other electrical equipment at another lift station. This was done to accommodate site flood mitigation measures. Replacement lift stations were designed for the City’s Scotts Point, Cove Crest, and Spanish Cove Lift Stations. Additionally, control panels and electrical equipment were raised at the Sunny Glen Lift Station.


San Antonio

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